Saturday, March 25, 2006

Update: All talk only

Been 3 weeks since I last shot anything, suddenly, I lost the urge to go out. No more withdrawl? keke. Anyhow, went to see a private ortho specialist at gleneagles concerning my back, as usual, I get zapped by gamma rays a few times, maybe I'll turn into a hulk someday..keke (me wonder will I get cancer from taking too many xrays?, the stack in NUH is almost 5cm thick in total, got zapped almost everyday during my 19 days stay, don't think it's good for health)

ok, back to the topic, I was sent there by my lawyer, cause of a complain on the left side. But xray didn't show any problems and the doc do not have any idea where the pain is coming from, so his only guess is my tummy wound, explaining that, since my tummy is spilt into halves, the stomach muscles no longer can hold the stomach in place.. or something along that line. He did some measurement for the back and my stomach (wonder why, since he is an ortho specialist, no idea why he has to measure the front). He urged me to get my tummy fix (I been longing to do that, darn depressing just looking at myself at the mirror).

Since I got lotsa things to do at school, that will distract me from photography :)
I might go shooting in the following weekend, after my finance test.


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