Saturday, February 11, 2006

fresh from the oven

no new species to my list again, but what can I expect from shooting at Alexandra Hospital. Do not know why I kept going back there in the first place, perhaps should limit myself to a visit every 6 months.

last 2 weeks was pretty busy with Chinese New Year celebration, so not much shooting opportunity, except for an outing to the local zoo with my 2nd bro. Can't believe it, been ages since that kinda of outing took place.

back on track, another low productive outing, only yield 2 acceptable shots, kinda disappointed with myself lately, carried my monopod around then realised I didn't bring the quick release plate... gotta slap myself sometimes.

Then more heartbreaking news from Sunny, while I was in AH (Alexandra hospital), he went to his favorite hunt on Mt. Faber and shot a courtesan, no, it wasn't a prostitute but the butterfly, Euripus nyctelius euploeoides :ANGRY:. I have not seen one so far, so it was a new find. Hopefully, I can finish half of what I was supposed to study for my econ test by tonight and sneak off to Mt. Faber after breakfast tomorrow. Sunny is like a magnet for interesting butts

ok, pix time... don't complain if the pix isn't up to my standard, I KNOW!!! :P


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